Organized by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP), a stakeholders meeting was held inside the century old kumbento of the Santa Barbara Parish Church in preparation for the a PhP50 million restoration works of the church and convent. The project is set to be finished by June 2015, in time for the national celebration of the Philippine Independence Day to be held in Santa Barbara and to be attended by President Aquino. The meeting was attended by NHCP's Executive Director Ludovico Badoy and his team of architects and engineers who were responsible for the detailed engineering survey a few months back and who will oversee the restoration works within the next year and a half. Ret. Mon. Tuvilla, Mayor Superficial and Director Badoy Local stakeholders in attendance were led by Santa Barbara Mayor Dennis Superficial and municipal officers on engineering, tourism, finance and other aspects. The church was represented by Ret. Rev. Monsig...