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Showing posts from May, 2024

Belgian lace making and embroidery at WUTHLE

Originated in Belgium by the ICM Sisters’ Apostolate, this is the only one of its kind in the Philippines.WUTHLE stands for Women United Through Handcrafted Lace & Embroidery. This is a non-profit organization which seeks to uplift the lives of women through embroidery and lace-making. Their workplace can be found inside the compound of the Western Visayas Sanitarium, where one can actually see the lace-making and embroidery under the nimble and creative hands of the workers.

The Catmon tree

The living symbol of Santa Barbara is the only Catmon Tree growing in the entire town. Before the town was renamed after the saint, it used to be called catmon , as this variety of trees were landmarks in the route up Central Panay. Katmon (Family: Dilleniaceae , Synonyms: Dilenia speciosa , other names: Bihis, kulammbug, palali ) has thick foliage and distinctly big white flowers that eventually becomes round fruits. The fruit is sour but refreshing - my tastebuds likened the taste to kamias with hints of green apple and like the pomelo it becomes sweet at some certain points.  The only surviving in the whole town which was previously named after it is right next to the police station - safely guarding it like a treasure. After all it is the only living symbol of  the town of Santa Barbara. Read more.